OxyAn-200 — OEM Zirconium Dioxide Oxygen Analyser

Oxygen Analyser - Intelec Systems

Zirconium dioxide

OxyAn200-Intelec-Systems - Oxygen Analyser


  • Range from 0.1% to 100%
  • Super long-life sensor due to non-consumptive technology (5 to 10 years)
  • High accuracy – better than 1%
  • Active pressure compensation (version with P postfix) from 0.5 bar to 1.2 bar ambient atmospheric pressure
  • Operates off 24V DC supply
  • Low power consumption of 12W (except auto-calibration version)
  • 4-20mA output; optional 0-5V/10V
  • Single and 2-point calibration
  • Linearity of better than 0.3% from 0.1% to 100% oxygen
  • 1 bar input pressure
  • Consumption of 300ml / min
  • Built-in internal restriction
  • Cold start-up time of 5 minutes
  • Two open collector alarm outputs
  • Calibration and setup from RS232 on hyperterminal OR manual pushbutton calibration (no PC required)
  • Open stainless steel chassis of size: 168 X 130 X 68mm
  • Remote auto-calibration model (OXYAN-200) has built-in solenoid valves to automatically switch to reference.
  • Calibration reference gas may be dry air @ 20.95% which allows accurate low-cost calibration (OXYAN-200)

The OXYAN series are microprocessor-controlled OEM oxygen analysers with zirconium-dioxide sensors. They are designed to continuously measure oxygen content of pure, dry gases and gas mixtures that demand high measuring-accuracy, reliability and long-term stability.

They can measure over the range from 0.1% to 100%. They provide a 4-20mA output or a 0-5V / 10V output. The OXYAN series has been developed specifically for integration into oxygen generators and other oxygen applications. They feature extremely long life due to non-consumptive sensor design – in excess of 5 years under ideal conditions.

The OXYAN-200(P) auto-calibration version allows remote auto-calibration. This can save many hours in travelling time and costs. It has built-in solenoid valves for switching between the reference gas and the calibration gas. The auto-calibration gas may be dry air, thus allowing very low maintenance costs.

The OXYAN-100(P) version does not have built-in solenoid valves for auto-calibration.

The version with P postfix has active pressure compensation from 0.5 bar to 1.2 bar.